Jeff and Avery
This was Oliver's first trip to Disneyland. He was really good for us and he actually liked a lot of the rides.
We were surprised that Laila was tall enough to go on the Matterhorn. I wasn't sure how she would react to this crazy ride, but she liked it. She didn't even cry.
My mom and brother came along on the trip. This was the first time we have been on a trip with the kids that I wondered if we could have done it on our own. Four kids is a lot. We were so glad to have them along.
My sister who lives in Long Beach and her boyfriend Ryan came along. It was fun to spend time with them. The girls wouldn't leave Ryan alone, they love him.
Me, Jeff, and Ollie on Bugs Life.
We also went to Santa Monica Pier. Stella was thrilled to go on this trampoline bungee thing. The worker told her she looked like a ballerina up there.
Avery did it too, but you can see from the look on her face, she was a little more nervous. We had so much fun in California, but the fun didn't stop there. To be continued...